Vivago blog


4. January
Satu Ruissalo, Marketing and Communications Director, Vivago Oy

Vivago technology enables quality care for the elderly at Kotokampus

At Kotokampus nursing home, Vivago's wellbeing data is used to monitor customers' sleep-wake rhythms in real time. Nurses on morning shift start their work in stages, according to the customers’ wake-up rhythm. Also night-time falls have been avoided at Kotokampus.


3. April
Vivago team

Enhanced care work and safety with real-time actigraphy

The Municipality of Laukaa was involved in a home care project carried out in 2016–2018. Project made it possible to develop home care in the municipalities of Central Finland to be more customer-oriented and cost-effective and with better effectiveness of care. One of the main goals of the project was to increase the time targeted for each patient. During the project, night care was piloted in Laukaa, which has since become established as part of home care. By allowing nurses to work more efficiently, they were able to reduce the need for purchased services. At the same time Vivago-solution was taken into use.


2. April
Vivago team

Förbättrad verksamhet och ökad säkerhet med realtids aktigrafi

Laukaa kommun i Finland var engagerad i ett framgångsrikt projekt inom hemsjukvården som genomfördes under 2016–2018. Projektet gjorde det möjligt att utveckla kommunens hemtjänst till att bli mer kundorienterad och kostnadseffektiv med bättre vårdeffektivitet. Ett av projektets primära mål var att öka tillgängligheten hos patienten. Under projektet testade Laukaa vårdinsatserna under nattetid, som sedan dess har blivit en del av hemtjänsten. En effektivare inriktning på personalens arbetstid hos patienterna bidrog till att minska behovet av att köpa in tjänster. Samtidigt infördes Vivago-systemet som en del av projektet.


16. March
Vivago team

Pioneering rehabilitation with age-friendly technology

A new assessment and rehabilitation unit ARVO has been established in the hospital of Hatanpää in the city Tampere. The unit serves regular home care customers. Utilizing age-friendly technology to support care was a goal in the unit right from the start. The Vivago system was on the procurement list well in advance when the new unit was being planned.


3. March
Vivago team

Functional support immediately after the hospital period reduces the need for home care later

The Rauma discharge team specializes in demanding home discharge and care assessment cases after a ward period for the elderly. The team sees that Vivago has the potential to monitor the progress of rehabilitation customers also in the future.


28. January
Vivago team

Actigraphy supports mental health rehabilitation

A study in Harjavalta found that digital monitoring supports the treatment process of a committed mental health rehabilitator. Vivago system was used for monitoring the effectiveness of medication and treatment, as well as detecting changes in wellbeing at home after a hospital period.


29. November
Satu Ruissalo, Marketing Director, Vivago Ltd

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book

In our culture, hard work and achievements are appreciated, and people who say they sleep only little are often admired: after all, they have more hours in the day to do things. Sleeping may be seen as laziness, or an extra luxury, something you can manage without. Actually, you manage for a surprisingly short period.


20. November
Satu Ruissalo, Marketing Director, Vivago Ltd

The path to rehabilitation is everyone’s own

The challenges of rehabilitation are the same whether you are recovering from an injury, accident or neurological condition, or whether the activation is needed for ailments due to old age. It’s a balancing act between physical activity and rest, combined to the person’s own will and motivation to feel better.


15. November
Maria Lavonen, CEO, Vivago Ltd

The disruption in healthcare technology changes our lives – IoMT and AI are leading the way for a healthcare revolution

The transformation of health technology will integrate real-time health information and data analytics at the individual and organisational level. The smart devices around us constantly collect data about us, home electronics, homes, buildings, means of transport, weather, climate and industrial processes. Some of this information is stored locally, but a growing amount of the data is connected to the Internet. There is an enormous mass of data, but what kinds of uses and significance does it have in healthcare?


23. February
Satu Ruissalo, Marketing Director, Vivago Ltd

Wellbeing information provides support for rehabilitation and discharge

Taukokangas Oy is a care, rehabilitation and health services company operating at Oulainen that offers its services to a wide range of customer groups. At Taukokangas, the aim is to promote residents' health and ability to function and work in all life situations.


3. January
Satu Ruissalo, Marketing Director, Vivago Ltd

City of Vantaa as a pioneer

The Korso Centre for the Elderly monitors its residents' wellbeing in order to develop its operations and support the everyday life of the residents


20. October
Satu Ruissalo, Marketing Director, Vivago Ltd

The enhanced assisted living units at Service Home Palmu-Pori emphasise privacy and personalised care

Quick actions taken as a result of a change in a resident’s condition have normalised the amount of sleep of many residents, while also improving their circadian rhythm and daytime activity


5. June
Maria Lavonen, CEO, Vivago Ltd

Wellbeing monitoring – New measuring system in health care

What if, it was possible to monitor the wellbeing of the elderly in real-time? What if, there was an automatic measuring system for the effectiveness of care, process of rehabilitation and level of functional performance?


23. May
Satu Ruissalo, Marketing Director, Vivago Ltd

Vivago’s smart technology speeds up the transition from a hospital without walls into home care and rehabilitation

The process of discharging a patient is often slow and demands multiprofessional care.