Best support for your customers with Vivago solutions

Vivago provides comprehensive wellbeing and health solutions at various points in the care paths. Vivago solution covers the needs for rehabilitation and discharge, home care and assisted living, as well as the needs for disabilities and mental health rehabilitation.



Monitoring the effectiveness of care and feeling of safety

Home care

Home care

Preventive care and support for independent living

Assisted living

Assisted living

Adapting to individual needs of the customer and service provider

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Case Pori – Rehabilitation hospital of Pori embraces Vivago analytics and wellbeing information

The rehabilitation hospital in the city of Pori renewed their care processes with the help of Vivago technology. With Vivago CARE watch, both the discharged patients and the patients in the ward and are now under continuous monitoring 24/7. Vivago’s real-time wellbeing information was used to demolish all thresholds in the care process and to create a “hospital without walls”. As a result, the duration of rehabilitation periods were shortened and the city has achieved significant cost savings.

Real-time wellbeing data gives more time for care work

The Rauma discharge team specializes in demanding home discharge and care assessment cases after a ward period for the elderly. The team sees that Vivago has the potential to monitor the progress of rehabilitation customers also in the future.